‘My Hipstamatic Year’ par Lee Atwell

By on février 2, 2021

Lee-Atwell-Hipstamatic-2020-portraitNom: Lee Atwell
Ville natale: Vancouver, Canada
Résidence: Seattle, Washington U.S.A.
Profession: Professeur de yoga, propriétaire d'une salle de yoga et organisatrice de retraites.
Hobbies: Hipstography, yoga, flâner dans la nature
Hipstographer depuis: 2011

Combo préféré:  Lowy  +  Bream  +  Apollo 
Objectif préféré:  Jane 
Film préféré:  Sussex 
Flash préféré:  Apollo 


"This series is part of my 365 photo project that I started in January 2020 and which I’m continuing today into 2021 - taking one photo a day and posting on Instagram. The majority of the photos were taken within 1 mile of our home (due to the pandemic lockdowns). Hipstamatic has been like a special friend ever since 2009 when I first downloaded it onto my iPhone. Spending time editing photos on this app has fed my creative soul and has helped me stay sane during difficult times."
Lee Atwell


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