Lens: Chivas Film: Abbot K20 Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Exposure: -0.0 • Clarity: 14 • Definition: 6 • Vibrancy: -14 • Fade: 6 • Vignette: 93 "Freedom or Death" Stavros Dimakopoulos
Lens: Jack London Film: Love 81 Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Clarity: 12 • Definition: 14 • Vibrancy: -11 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 7070 "Looking at fashion" Mike Ryan
Lens: Muir Film: Bream Flash: Laser Lemon Gel "The Frozen Tundra" Kathleen Magner Rios
Lens: Tachman Film: Love 81 (25%) Flash: Laser Lemon Gel (30%) Clarity: 30 • Vibrancy: +94 • Film Grain: 25 "Little Wing no. 4" Oola Cristina
Lens: Florence Film: Blanko Flash: Laser Lemon Gel (0%) Highlights: -21 • Shadows: +41 "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold. Mellow is the man...
Lens: Murray Film: Love 81 Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Cette photo fait partie du Combo #489 par Anita Elle.
Lens: Murray Film: Love 81 Flash: Laser Lemon Gel "Between shadow and light, women are in Love (81) with Murray." Anita Elle
Lens: Hornbecker Film: Zama Flash: Laser Lemon Gel "Ma machine à laver est cassée depuis deux semaines. Je vais au lavoir automatique tout en faisant de la street photography pendant que mes vêtements tournent." Rhonda Rogers Baumgartner...
Lens: Dee Film: Love 81 Flash: Laser Lemon Gel "Respirer Paris, cela conserve l'âme." (Victor Hugo) Photo: Davyd Superfly
Lens: Mark Film: Robusta Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Cette photo fait partie du Combo #404 par David Superfly.