Combo #624 (Chou Delaposte)

By on janvier 30, 2020
Lens:  Gje Gje (70%) 
Film:  Abbot K20 
Clarity: 15 • Definition: 15 • Highlights: -30 • Shadows: +30 • Vibrancy: +10


"Going to Venice in July may not seem like the best of ideas: high temperatures, high levels of humidity and, of course, an avalanche of tourists. So we set our alarm an hour before sunrise and reached Piazza San Marco to find more pigeons than humans. An other temperature-safe idea to see Venice is on the vaporetto, wind in your hair, your camera pointing towards the picturesque façades.
On that day, I chose to take classic photos and edit them afterwards. I had tried some lenses while sat on the first vaporetto, but I imagined struggling between dark little street and highly lit squares and not getting the results I wanted. Eventually, I used the Venice Hipstapak with a few tweaks."
Chou Delaposte

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