Lens: Stavros Film: Blanko 1 Flash: Cadet Blue Gel "I took this picture on a beautiful foggy morning, when we went early to look at the sunrise. The combo is from Hipstamatic Holland this week and I...
Lens: Johannes Film: Bream Flash: Apollo Using: Multiple Exposure Kit RGB: modified • Vignette: 33 "I always enjoy playing around with multiple exposures and with the new glitch when using Bream film, I was able to get...
Lens: Stavros Film: Aristotle Flash: Apollo This photo is part of the Combo #496 by Christine Mignon.
Lens: Stavros Film: Aristotle Flash: Apollo "This collection of street photography was shot in Vienna, Lisbon and Sicily. While other Hipstamatic lenses create a mystical and dark atmosphere, Stavros lens is pin-sharp and brilliant, showing every...
Lens: Akira Film: Telegraph "Sunrise at Golden Gate Bridge" Joe Mochnick