Lens: Libatique 73 Film: BlacKeys 44 Flash: Cadet Blue Gel Texture: 11 "I have been going to San Francisco's Pride Parade for the last four years. It is a joyous, colorful, and noisy celebration. I go there...
Lens: Jing Film: Sequoia (74%) Flash: Juicy Orange Gel (55%) Exposure: -0.0 • Clarity: 95 • Definition: 100 • Highlights: -67 • Shadows: +100 • Vibrancy: -50 • Temperature: 6140 • Tint: 3G (The combo can be...
On July 4th, Americans will be celebrating Independence Day, which marks the country’s declaration of independence from the United Kingdom, signed on July 4th 1776. With the holiday just round the corner, Hipstamatic takes us to Philadelphia....
Lens: Madalena Film: Cheshire "Beautiful people and flowers go together perfectly. I tried to balance the contrast of flowers revealing themselves and the subject hiding behind them." Jozef Hipp
Photos of the month: combos used are shown below each photo. More details on: and
Lens: John S Film: AO BW "Micha - the boxing trainer" Sebastian Oskar Kroll
National Camera Day is observed, each year, on June 29th and, as the name suggests, it’s the day we celebrate the invention of the camera and, of course, all the world’s photographers. Hipstamatic is celebrating by giving...
Lens: Dee Film: Robusta Flash: Triple Crown Exposure: -0.5 • Clarity: 92 • Definition: 25 • Highlights: -30 • Shadows: +38 • Vibrancy: +9 • RGB: modified • Vignette: 78 "My daughter wanted me to show her...
Lens: Tejas Film: Cheshire Flash: Triple Crown "The Vienna Rainbow Parade is one of my favorite events, and not just to take pictures. This year the motto was "Overcome Boundaries". I love the atmosphere of joy, peace...
Lens: Ray Mark II Film: Kodot XGrizzled Flash: off "Here are some snapshots from my trip to Tibet and The Mount Everest basecamp, in 2015." Kai Fikus