Lens: Doris Film: Sussex Using: Oggl "Although most visitors seek the Eiffel Tower as the best vantage point to see Paris, I chose Montparnasse instead: I wanted a view that included the tower itself, without which the...
Lens: Madalena Film: Robusta Flash: off This photo is part of the portfolio "SF Pride". facebook
Lens: Madalena Film: Robusta Flash: off This photo Is part of the portfolio "SF Pride". facebook
Lens: Doris Film: Sussex Using: Oggl "As soon as I walked out of my job, I was stunned to see the sun setting so beautifully. I didn't hesitate for one second to capture such a dramatic moment....
Lens: Jane Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain Flash: off "This photo was taken at the Victorian National Gallery a few days ago when I was visiting Melbourne. The thing that caught my attention the most with this photograph is...
Lens: Foxy Film: C-Type Plate Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X "This stretch of coast in Dar Es Salaam bay has been attractive to me for a while, those three palms looked so tempting, but the place was usually...
Lens: Doris Film: Sussex Using: Oggl "The Wind of Summer" (Gonnosfanadiga, Sardinia, Italy) "The photo was taken on a sunny spring afternoon in Gonnosfanadiga (Sardinia) where the trees are bent by the mistral wind blowing unchallenged in...
Lens: Lucifer VI Film: AO DLX Flash: off Using: Multiple Exposure Kit "On Tuesdays I go for a walk with my children to take my daughter to her piano lesson. My son and I have 30 minutes...
More details on Photo Of The Day and Photo Of The Week
Lens: Foxy Film: C-Type Plate Flash: off Using: Oggl "Immaculate Conception" "I got really lucky with this one. It was more intuition than anything else. I saw this billboard and I knew that something interesting would happen...