Lens: Tejas Film: Stand Up Flash: Triple Crown "A rainy day in Paris, but such beautiful meetings!" Berlewen Jolixor
Lens: Watts Film: Cheshire Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Definition: 26 • Highlights: -15 • Shadows: +30 • Vibrancy: +24 This photo is part of the Combo #615 by Lori Hillsberg.
Lens: Tejas Film: Stand Up Flash: Triple Crown Clarity: 56 • Definition: 38 "A nice evening" Corinna Watschke
Lens: Diego Film: Shilshole Flash: Triple Crown Exposire: -0.1 • Highlights: -18 • Shadows: +27 This photo is part of the Combo #614 by Lori Hillsberg.
Lens: Vincent Film: Sugar Flash: Triad Gel Clarity: 55 • Definition: 43 • Vibrancy: +17 • RGB: modified • Depth of Field: 66 "Unexpected Visitor" Barbara Burri
Lens: Takashi Film: US1776 This photo is part of the portfolio ‘Grayscale’ by Gitti Tagwerk.
Lens: Erie Gl (90%) Film: Mount Royal (40%) Flash: Cadet Blue Gel (35%) Exposure: -0.9 • Clarity: 30 • Shadows: +85 • Vibrancy: +10 • RGB: modified • Vignette: 30 (The combo can be downloaded on this...
Lens: Erie Gl (90%) Film: Mount Royal (40%) Flash: Cadet Blue Gel (35%) Exposure: -0.9 • Clarity: 30 • Shadows: +85 • Vibrancy: +10 • RGB: modified • Vignette: 30 (The combo can be downloaded on this...
Lens: Tachman Film: Liberty Flash: Yuletide (37%) Clarity: 25 • Vibrancy: +21 "Stride by - Raquelitas Tortilla factory, Denver" Leslie Burnside
Lens: Dee Film: Liberty Flash: Apollo "In-flight over Venice" Russ Murray