Lens: Stavros Film: Robusta This photo is part of the portfolio "The Future is Female - Part 2".
Lens: Leonard Film: Robusta "Magical Fog" Andrea Walser
Lens: Neville (45%) Film: Robusta (50%) "The snow came early this year." Sofia Häggbom
Lens: Stavros Film: Robusta (100) Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X (14) Exposure: -0.7 • Clarity: 98 • Definition: 60 • Shadows: +70 • Vibrancy: -10 • Fade: 5 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 7490 • Tint: 40 R...
Lens: Jane Film: Robusta Flash: off "A July morning in Dobrovo, western Slovenia, close to the Italian border. The rolling hills and the vineyards after a rainy night." Ilse Neugebauer
Lens: Diego Film: Robusta This photo is part of the Combo #482 by Nadia Cianelli.
Lens: Diego Film: Robusta "This series is from my trip to Amazonas - Brazil in July 2016. I spent a month sailing up the Rio Amazonas, from the mouth, Belem, to the border with Colombia and...
Lens: Benedict Film: Robusta Using: Oggl "Summer" "Triticale is a hybrid of wheat and rye and is commonly grown in Austria as an animal feed grain. I took the photo with Oggl with my favorite Jane/Robusta setting,...
Lens: Lowy Film: Robusta Clarity: 30 This photo is part of the Combo #472 by Lydia Cassatt
Lens: Lowy Film: Robusta Clarity: 30 "It was difficult to pick a particular combo for my recent trip to Iceland. The light and weather change constantly and the palette can be quite somber, particularly in the...