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"Some Hipstamatic combos really need bright sunshine to come to life – something that is in short supply in my hometown of London. However, this winter road trip in Northern California and Western Nevada had just the right weather conditions to make this combination of Bettie XL and Rock BW-11 bring out the Americana of the surroundings."
Dani Salvadori
"This combo is a slightly lighter parallel to the John S/US1776 combo. The Akira lens provides some of those same (though less intense) overly saturated greenish smudges in the corners and works well in contrast with the naturally bright canvas that the US1776 film is going to provide. Not my favourite black and white combo, but it should be considered alongside the classic John S/US1776 and G2/US1776 combos. Out of all of these though, the Akira combo seems to work better on overcast days, so it’s a win-win in terms of working quite decently in a variety of natural lighting conditions. "
Matthew Wylie
"This combo is not one of my favorites, especially the black and white. It has a very pale chrome, but if you use the flash (I love the JollyRainbo 2x) you get a very strong contrast. I went to Prague to photograph the models and during breaks, I decided to shoot some pictures in black and white with Hipstamatic. I have done three books in BW (with film) photographing all female subjects. In my opinion, nudes or semi-nudes in black and white, adds a touch of class and does away with the 'vulgar' aspect."
Nicola Casamassima
"Hipstamatic, for me, is an expressive tool for sharing the feelings I have of a place, much more so than capturing precisely what I am seeing. When the Diego Lens and Uchitel 20 Film were launched, I felt emotions in the monochrome that are more akin to those I have when I write. Stripping away the color from an environment allows me to expose the core of a place. Angles, individual parts (like a gathering of seagulls against a normally blue and dominating ocean) are better represented without the intrusion of big color. This combo is just the vehicle for my work along the Pacific Coast. In this series I show you a place I have come to love deeply, and my love is apparent in the work. Few people, an imposing and craggy coast, and always a little fog.
Michael Housewright
"When we do not know why the photographer has taken a picture and when we do not know why we are looking at it, all of a sudden we discover something that we start seeing. I like this confusion." - Saul Leiter
"One of my close friends recently visited Paris and had the chance of grabbing a 2 volume copy of Saul Leiter: Early Black and White for me from La Chambre Claire, a book that isn't yet available in North America. Leiter is certainly an influence on me, but he's also someone I am only beginning to study and understand. This collection of his inspired me to try to replicate the overall bnw aesthetic I found in these books and so, after playing around for a while with my primary camera (Hipstamatic), I realized this combo was probably as close as I could get. This was simply a study for me. My initial shots were too bright, and I think that's because of the film, which can bleach things out a bit too much. So, I committed a street no-no and used the Jolly Rainbo 2X flash to add the necessary darkening. With the border of AO BW, Jolly's vignette isn't as pronounced. I tried to shoot in all scenarios to truly experiment with the combo: rain, shine, morning, noon, evening, 3 a.m., indoors and outdoors, a concert, through glass, etc.. Here's what I got - always with the beautiful collection of Leiter's early black and whites on my mind."
Matthew Wylie
"I love this combo because of the high contrast, pronounced vignette and noticeable grain. Also, the uneven black border gives it that final touch for the dramatic look I aim for."
Rodolfo Roenick
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