Nom: Birgit Kwasniewski
Ville natale: Ingolstadt, Allemagne
Résidence: Ingolstadt, Allemagne
Profession: Model Maker
Hobbies: Mobile Photographie, cartes postales
Hipstographer depuis: 2017
Date de naissance: 1976
Combo préféré: Jack London + Queen West + Standard
Objectif préféré: John S
Film préféré: Aristotle
Flash préféré: Tasty Pop
"This Takashi + US1776 combo found its origins in a hipsta365-challenge. I’ve used both elements before but it works especially well with simple motifs. I generally try to make photos look as simple as possible, with a few exceptions. I usually take pictures of deserted landscapes or human silhouettes, lost in the scenery. I always take photos with the intention of capturing a feeling and, sometimes, I succeed."
Birgit Kwasniewski
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