"A cette période de l'année, Times Square est tellement festif, grouillant de personnes et de décorations de Noël; il semble que les lumières sont un peu plus lumineuses, les sourires plus francs et il y a un sentiment général de gaieté. J'ai souhaité utilisé les nouveaux outils de Hipstamatic afin d'obtenir un combo unique qui met en évidence les lumières vives et les couleurs qui font de Times Square un lieu si excitant."
Ilana Buch Akoundi
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Lens: Doris Film: Saloon 1867 Flash: Apollo Clarity: 68 "La...
Lens: Jane (42%) Film: Telegraph Flash: Laser Lemon Gel (25%) ...
Lens: Lowy Film: Blackeys Extra Fine "People Game" Adelino Marques...
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Lens: Kutako (60%) Film: Etosha 1907 (100%) Flash: Cadet Blue...
Lens: Salvador 84 Film: Saloon 1867 Flash: Laser Lemon Gel ...
Lens: Aatto Film: Uchitel 20 Flash: Triple Crown Cette photo...
Lens: Doris Film: Saloon 1867 Flash: Apollo Clarity: 68...
Lens: Jane (42%) Film: Telegraph Flash: Laser Lemon Gel...
Lens: Lowy Film: Blackeys Extra Fine "People Game" Adelino...
Lens: Tejas Film: Cano Cafenol Flash: Cherry Shine "In...
Lens: Kutako (60%) Film: Etosha 1907 (100%) Flash: Cadet...
Dans iOS8, certains changements ont été apportés au niveau...
Nom: Jason Mynatt Ville natale: Harriman, Tennessee USA Résidence:...
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La version finale d’iOS 8 est disponible en téléchargement...
Hipstamatic is the only photography application I use. I love the way it looks, its rebellious spirit, its edgy, unpredictable side and of course the results it produces. Thanks to Hipstamatic I have rediscovered my love of photography. I would go so far as to say that Hipstamatic has changed my life considerably, day to day. Since I have been using it, I have been travelling the world more and more, with the sole purpose of taking pictures. I am no great fan of editing images and I have no desire to spend ages changing a photo using the myriad of apps available on the market. Hipstamatic does not produce perfect pictures, but that is precisely what is so great about it. You may take a hundred pictures, one of which will be amazing. It won't require any touching up and it will be truly unique. (Suite...)
Copyright © 2015 Eric Rozen