Nom: Christine Mignon
Ville natale: Innsbruck
Résidence: Vienne
Profession: Domaine social
Hobbies: La photographie, les amis, les voyages
Hipstographer depuis: 2011
Date de naissance: 1969
Combo préféré: Anne-Marie + Rasputin + Apollo
Objectif préféré: Stavros
Film préféré: Love 81
Flash préféré: Apollo
"These are some of the highlights of my Project 365 2020. When I started the project, I - of course - didn't expect the pandemic ahead. On the one hand, the circumstances made it harder to get good pictures, as many photo opportunities were locked down, but on the other hand it gave me a reason to get out of my little nutshell and become creative every day. It's been quite an experience and I'm glad I didn't miss out."
Christine Mignon
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