‘Travelers and magicians’ par Dorota Skowrońska

By on juin 26, 2018

Nom: Dorota Skowrońska
Ville natale: Varsovie, Pologne
Résidence: Varsovie, Pologne
Profession: HR
Hobbies: La photo, les voyages
Hipstographer depuis: 2013
Date de naissance: 1968

Combo préféré:  Madalena  +  Stand Up 
Objectif préféré:  Jane 
Film préféré:  Estrada 
Flash préféré: Aucun

"The Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon is one of the hidden gems of the Himalayan mountains. It’s protected by the King and the people of Bhutan: the main objective is to prevent it from being gobbled up by globalization and mass tourism. The proud highlanders have a fierce eco approach, dedicated to community, tradition, Buddhism and environmental protection. Bhutan is a place for the patient traveler, one who has a profound love of nature and being ‘off-line’. If you’re that kind of person then you will most likely meet many magicians there…
Bhutan’s landscapes and green mountains remind me very much of Switzerland or the Alto Adaggio landscapes. Being in the Bhutan valley, looking at Trongsa or visiting Punaka or, hiking into the most sacred Takstang, I experienced amazing feelings of duality. I was a stranger and, at the same time, I was an insider. This duality was sweet, lacking any kind of adversity, anxiety or fear; it was a feeling of unity thanks to the generous people with their great sense of humor, brimming with self-respect and self-confidence.
The protagonist in the Bhutanese director, Khyentse Norbu’s movie “Travellers and Magicians”, was searching for his “dreamland”, thinking of the USA. While on his travels throughout his homeland, however, he realized that firstly, some journeys are not made to do alone; secondly, you deserve a good story and thirdly, you have all you need with you, so there’s no need to search for your dreamland far away."

Dorota Skowrońska


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