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"Water Children" – Ben Buckler Point Boat Ramp, Bondi Beach. 2013
"Across Australia this summer there were various heat waves, with whole weeks averaging in the high 30 degree Celsius range. On this day it was expected to be in the low 40s, amongst Sydney’s highest on record, and so luckily I was on holidays and had planned to do nothing much that Tuesday. In the morning, I got a call from a wonderful old friend of mine, who lives in Melbourne nowadays. He was in town for a couple of days visiting family, so we sat in the shade of my garden drinking and smoking and talking the time away until the early afternoon sun had passed and we made our way, along with some other mates down to the north end of Bondi Beach.
Bondi is a crescent bay and on the northern side is a large rock shelf, and some small cliffs. It is common to find people jumping into the ocean off the rocks rather than swim at the beach. You are very close to the edge of the bay here, and it’s great to be on the tip of the ocean. Just a smidgen more into the bay is a boat ramp, a slightly more popular entry point. Well this day, not only was the beach packed, but pretty much every available surface, rock, grass, concrete or otherwise, was full of crowds of people staying as close to the water as possible. In and out. In and out, all day, afternoon, evening and night. It was quite the scene. On a workday, all types were down there, dozens of dogs and it was almost a carnival atmosphere. I must admit, I was too engrossed in the day and the friends to really think about taking any photos. But just before we were thinking of heading up the pub and returning to our drinking, I rummaged in my pile of bits and bobs, retrieved my phone and had a quick wander and snap. This one is of the boat ramp, and was the group of people sitting next to us. Despite appearances, they were unaware of me taking this pic, as I was holding the phone to me tummy. I take a lot of my candids from the hip or chest."
Albion Harrison-Naish
"Clouds always attract me and I often go to the beach when I can to take in the whole scene at the ocean. This is one of a set where I concentrated on the point of view. I put my iPhone on the ground in order to make the girl look as if she was walking on water.
I love the combo of GSQUAD Lens and Rock BW-11 Film. The contrast is heavy which makes the clouds pop in this scene."
Nick Kenrick
"Photography in my opinion is all about capturing light and movement. That's what I was looking for when I created this image - the beauty of the swimmer and the water. The combo adds strength and drama to the scene, the black and white film takes the swimming pool out from it's original context and brings it to a new level. Like a dream, like another dimension, through the looking glass world."
Dror Blumberg
"As I walked around I saw lots of people sitting around the steps of the park, but there was this woman just enjoying the moment, I saw her looking at a dog playing with the water. She was amused by the moment and taking it all in. It was just the right moment for me to take advantage and click away!"
Grace Brignolle
"On the east side of the Cascade mountains in Washington State the landscape is very barren and dry with little vegetation except for wild grasses and sagebrush. There is, however, a picturesque vineyard high above the Columbia River canyon where this photo was taken.
Seeing this elder willow tree amongst the desert vegetation was such a stark contrast. It was early morning, the air was still and I was struck by the mirror image in the lake. It wasn't until I saw the photo on my computer that I realized how much the tree looked like a large animal - some have said an elephant, some have said a wooly mammoth… what do you see?"
Lee Atwell (combo inspired by Ilana Buch-Akoundi)
"Black and white photos focuses you on forms and light, there's no distraction of colors. In my opinion the best BW combo for backlit scenes is John S and Claunch 72 Monochrome, because it gives the highest contrast, and the slight vignetting further concentrates your focus to the center of the picture.
Horses are cool, I respect them a lot. In the same way they respect the children riding them."
Tamás Zahorán
"This photo is a portrait taken in one of those moments of emotion which is caused by the beauty of an instant. I asked the person to keep the pose while I changed angles... as if I was shooting with my usual fancy full-frame Nikon; but the "moment de grace", as we French say, had gone.
I have always been totally fascinated by portraiture, from all periods and using all technics. After some years of working on the subject with a pricy camera and lens, I very recently started discovering (thanks to several Hipsta groups) the possibilities of a new photographic vocabulary, one that was lighter and more spontaneous.
Everyday, I feed my eyes by discovering new portraits, created or captured by so many different artists, so many very personal visions. I have the desire to follow their mobile path for portraiture and see what comes out of it."
Mary Galloway
"This was taken at San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, in a movie gallery presentation. My friend was sitting behind me. I shot this toward the entrance light."
David Brown
"Exile on Bridge Street"
"This image was captured in the very heart of Sydney's central business district during the lunch hour rush. The subjects in the frame were slowly walking up the street & were balanced nicely at the moment of exposure. In addition, the building that frames the four pedestrians is older original Sydney architecture, which is dwarfed by the surrounding modern Sydney skyscrapers."
Markus Andersen
"A surfer getting ready to hit the waves in Baleal, near Peniche. My wife was in the water and I was playing around/looking after our son on the beach. I was trying to get a silhouette and I found this lens/film combo gave me the best contrast."
Denis Balibouse
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