Lens: Big Bertha Film: Robusta (50%) Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X Clarity: 30 Cette photo fait partie du portfolio 'London Streets Wanderer' par Carlos Da Costa.
Lens: Florence Film: Otto Flash: Triple Crown Clarity: 10 • Definition: 15 • Highlights: -21 • Shadows: +40 "Beyond Here Be Dragons" Cette photo fait partie du Combo #643 par Alon Goldsmith.
Lens: Frosty Film: Melange CX Flash: Apollo (100%) Exposure: -0.1 • Clarity: 12 • Definition: 12 • Highlights: -19 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 6970 • Tint: 4R • Depth of Field: 0 • Texture: 10...
Lens: Lumière Film: SPRKT-BW Flash: Triad Gel (62%) Clarity: 65 • Definition: 28 • RGB: modified • Film Grain: 0 "Logan" Alastair Hooley
Lens: Kuma Film: Hiragana 95 Flash: Apollo Clarity: 100 • Definition: 54 • Highlights: -61 "The Man in The Hat (at the museum)" Rhonda Rogers Baumgartner
Lens: Salvador 84 Film: Love 81 Flash: Tasty Pop "Fireworks" Lydia Cassatt
Lens: Big Bertha Film: Ringmaster 71 Highlights: -50 • Shadows: 0 "The great Torii of Miyajima" Mayumi Nojiri
Lens: Takashi (72%) Film: Love 81 Flash: Triple Crown (32%) Clarity: 28 • Definition: 19 • Highlights: -24 • Fade: 10 • RGB: modified • Texture: 55 • Vignette: 78 Cette photo fait partie du portfolio '2019' par Stavros Dimakopoulos.
Lens: John S Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain Flash: Triple Crown Clarity: 13 • RGB: modified Cette photo fait partie du portfolio "Celluloid Dreams" par Niels Brunelli.
Lens: Stavros Film: Aristotle Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X Definition: 20 • RGB: modified "Passion On The Pole" Sharon Flores Tan