Lens: Watts Film: US1776 Flash: off "I love black and withe, monochromatic photography gives you sensations of concrete beauty. All the tonalities stand alone. In a black and withe picture each millimeter, each pixel has its own...
Ragged and worn, many Hipstamatic lenses and films give photos an aged look. Not so the Bondi HipstaPack. To capture photographer Ben Watts’s style, Hipstamatic has borrowed more than his urban, saturated, edgy style. They have borrowed...
Lens: Lucifer VI Film: Sugar Flash: off "I'm always thinking which lens-film combination will do best when I want to take a picture. Lucifer VI was made for night photography, capturing the combination of street, windows, car...
Lens: Foxy Film: Sugar Flash: off Photo taken at The Light Show at the Hayward Gallery in London. David Cundy flickr
Lens: Watts Film: Big Up Flash: off The second exhibition organised by Hisptography, "Watts is Up. Big Style", focused on the Bondi HipstaPak. In addition to the interview with the man himself, Ben Watts, we published a...
Lens: Helga Viking Film: Blanko Freedom13 Flash: off "I first happened upon this combo using the Shake to Randomize option and immediately fell in love with it's dream-like quality. Helga gives off such a lovely blue/purple hue....
Lens: Roboto Glitter Film: Claunch 72 Monochrome Flash: off "Time to Go" "I had just enough time before boarding the train to capture the Harrision, NY Metro North Train Station Clock. The setting was perfect with the...
Three more pictures while waiting for the Silver Lake Hipstapak... I wouldn't mind going to Austin... Lens: Abbie Film: Dixie
Lens: Tinto 1884 Film: W40 Flash: off "An early morning run shot taken along Lake Stevens. A mix of light fog and sunshine on the very still lake made for a calming atmosphere." Cindy Buske [button color="blue"...
Still no news of the Silver Lake HipstaPak... But a few more photos live from SXSW, Austin. Let's wait... Lens: Abbie Film: Dixie