Lens: Lowy Film: Blanko Bl4 Using: Oggl "Lake Tuz, where I took this picture, is the second largest and the shallowest lake in Turkey. It is located in the Central Anatolia Region. I took this picture while...
Created in cooperation with the celebrated photojournalist Benjamin Lowy, the Photojournalism SnapPak has been available since Friday, both on Oggl and Hipstamatic. The first photos taken with it were quickly published, and I asked the opinion of...
Lens: Madalena Film: Ina's 1935 Flash: off "I remember my first time in Chicago, back in 2011, trying to capture the Crown Fountain as the main object of my shots. I was there again this past month,...
Lens: Diego Film: Ina's 1935 Flash: off "I love desaturated colors. Diego is a totally different beast and feeling from the great John S, and while the Helga Viking is nice, it seems to be only so...
Lens: Lowy Film: Blanko Bl4 Using: Oggl "A friend from my neighborhood. I made all these pics during Halloween when I was taking my kids out to trick-or-treat." Ben Lowy More info on the Photojournalism...
Lens: Jimmy Film: Robusta Using: Oggl "It was a warm and sunny Sunday, shortly before sunset at Lake Constance. I was fascinated by the light in the trees, the long shadows, and the seagulls sitting on the...
Incredible!!! We all thought it was a rumour, but here it is! A pak made in collaboration with Ben Lowy! Benjamin Lowy is an American photographer, born in 1979 in New York, who specializes in photo journalism....
Lens: Wonder Film: W40 Flash: Cadet Blue Gel "While on holiday in Brittany, I discovered this remarkable site on l'Ile Grande. A family took it upon themselves to construct these rock towers and I waited until they...