Lens: John S Film: AO BW Clarity: 100 • Definition: 20 • Highlights: -30 • Shadows: +52 • Texture: 60 "Caught in Action" Kally Klonaris-Smythe
Lens: John S Film: Cheshire Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X Exposure: +0.3 • Clarity: 38 • Vibrancy: -34 • Texture: 62 • Vignette: 100 "Conference" Tuco D’Accord
Lens: Hannah Film: D-Type Plate Flash: Cadet Blue Gel Clarity: 48 "Get your head out of that book!" Clare Taylor
Lens: Bruno Film: Blanko This photo is part of the Combo #617 by Adria Ellis.
Lens: Bruno Film: Blanko "Havana Cuba: in all of my years of traveling I have never fallen so deeply for a country, it’s people, and its culture. When I share my imagery from Cuba, I feel...
Lens: Yoona Film: Cheshire Flash: Standard This photo is part of the Combo #616 by Laurie Higashi.
Lens: Yoona Film: Cheshire Flash: Standard "Havana, Cuba has long captured my imagination and I was fortunate enough to visit recently, with a group of wonderful mobile photographers. It was everything I expected and more -...
Lens: Tejas Film: Stand Up Flash: Triple Crown "A rainy day in Paris, but such beautiful meetings!" Berlewen Jolixor
Lens: Watts Film: Cheshire Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Definition: 26 • Highlights: -15 • Shadows: +30 • Vibrancy: +24 This photo is part of the Combo #615 by Lori Hillsberg.
Lens: Watts Film: Cheshire Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Definition: 26 • Highlights: -15 • Shadows: +30 • Vibrancy: +24 "On the flip side to the decay was the bright and colorful world of Havana. From the...