Lens: Florence Film: Cheshire (80%) Flash: Apollo (20%) Clarity: 20 • Highlights: -29 • Tone Curves: modified • Texture: 20 (The combo can be downloaded on this page) "Grand Anse Beach" Christine Mignon
Lens: John S Film: Big Easy Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X "Spring is here" Anita Elle
Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Clarity: 32 • Definition: 30 • Shadows: +35 This photo is part of the Combo #630 by Manuela Matos Monteiro.
Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Clarity: 32 • Definition: 30 • Shadows: +35 "The first time I went to Cuba was in the 90's, when the country was experiencing a serious economic and social crisis. Returning there...
Lens: Antoni Film: Vientiane "Trees in Pastel" Marieke van Oyen
Lens: Kutako Film: Etosha 1907 "Surfacing" Dan Stivaletti
One of the notable novelties when Hipstamatic released its new Pro version in 2015, was the sharing of combos. It’s a very handy function when you’re dealing with complex combos and makes use of tools such as,...
Lens: Lumière Film: SPRKT-BW Flash: Triad Gel (62%) Clarity: 65 • Definition: 28 • RGB: modified • Film Grain: 0 "Logan" Alastair Hooley
Lens: Jack London Film: Robusta Clarity: 17 • Definition: 18 • Highlights: -33 • Texture: 5 • Vignette: 22 "Sentinel of Paradise Landing" Tommy Wallace
After a few months in Asia, Hipstamatic is heading over to the southern African state of Namibia. More precisely, the Hipstamatic team takes us to Windhoek, the capital of Namibia, although it has to be said that...