Lens: G2 (ex-GSQUAD) Film: Robusta Using: Oggl "Since Robusta came out, it has become my favourite Hipstamatic film. I think that for this series of urban shots taken in London, the old and somewhat grubby aspect it provides is tailor-made for cities. I teamed it up...
Lens: Lucifer VI Film: Float Flash: off "Vintage London Rain" "Yes (another) rainy, summer morning in London, hey what's new! For a change I was inspired by it, when I happened upon this classic Volvo - P1800...
Lens: Watts Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: off "Got Drunk, Fell Down" (Halifax, Nova Scotia) "Three weeks ago I set out on a 12 day, 2230 mile trek to complete a giant circuit through Canada and New...
Lens: Salvador 84 Film: Blanko Freedom13 Using: Oggl "I'm actually a, somewhat removed, relative of Salvador Dali. My great grandfather left my great grandmother (who was also an artist, an expressionist painter) for the mother of Gala...
Lens: John S Film: C-Type Plate Using: Oggl "Summer of love" "It was a hot and steamy day on Mepkin Abby Green where these two were engaged. He was holding on matter how close I got. His...
Has a red line been crossed? The new Oggl update is revolutionary and like all revolutions, reactions will be divided. Some will cry foul, others will greet it as progress. The debate promises to be heated... The...
Lens: John S Film: W40 Using: Oggl "This was taken one day when I went to Washington Square Park, NYC. It was hot and humid, and by the fountain I saw this couple, they were having an...
Finally! The Oggl galleries are now visible on the net! Simply add the user name to "oggl.me/" and voila. Like in the app itself, you can find your own photos ("Captured"), those of other users that we...
Lens: John S Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain Flash: off This photo is part of the portfolio 'Life: Light and shadows on the streets of Tehran' by Mohsen Chinehkesh. oggl: mohsen_ch flickr Instagram EyeEm
Name: Mohsen Chinehkesh Hometown: Tehran, Iran Resides: Tehran, Iran Profession: Graphic Designer, Photographer Hobbies: Playing Guitar Hipstographer since: 2012 Year of Birth: 1984 Favorite Combo: John S + AO BW Favorite Lens: John S Favorite Film: AO...