Combo #243 (Eric Rozen)

By on May 21, 2014
Lens:  Madalena 
Film:  Rasputin 
Flash:  Cadet Blue Gel 


 "The Plaster-cast Workshop at the Brussels' Cinquantenaire Museum houses a collection of more than 4000 casts of works of art dating from prehistoric times to the eighteenth century. The workshop’s craftsmen still use the traditional techniques in both the casting and the patina application, and it's possible to order a copy at a quite reasonable price too. It is possibly Brussels' most underrated museum, but it is my favourite! I often go there to try out out new combos. During my last visit, I fell in love with this combo. Madalena is not the easiest lens to use, because the pictures often end up looking very dark. This time I tried it out with a flash and decided to use Cadet Blue Gel, which gave my pictures this very interesting tone."
Eric Rozen


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