"Like so many of us, I have been wondering why Hipstamatic gave us the double exposure button… When I decided to use it, the pictures didn’t turn out the way I expected. Too blurry, over-exposed, crooked, anything but a decent picture. So for many months I didn’t bother using it and left it untouched.
A few weeks ago Allan Bedford reposted a double exposure picture (can’t remember from who) which made me think again about this unused feature. So I started experimenting. My first double exposure was when I had to stop before a crossing and people were walking in front of my car, only to discover later that "it worked”! The people were vaguely there, like ghosts, with a decent exposure of the surrounding background. I was thrilled. I posted it on Hipstography and soon thereafter I got a message from Eric asking me to take it one step further and see if I could make a series. So I went out on my days off and tried one after another. As my library filled with some OK shots, others rather good, but mostly awful pictures, I discovered there were a few secrets to it.
Bright sunshine is not the most perfect condition for it and quickly leads to over-exposure. Too dark is also not an option because figures blend into one another. Choice of lens and film also contributes to the success factor: as long as you don’t use a lens which is bright in and of itself, you should be ok. A steady hand (or steady surface) will surely help, because it will keep the background "recognizable". Some of the pictures were made with a little tripod but I can’t help liking the double background as well. All in all, it is still "trial and error" to get a nice double exposed picture. As it is with so many..."
Arjan van der Horst
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