"Built in 1904, the Del Rio National Bank building (now BBVA Compass) stands as the tallest building in town. It has 6 stories, most of which are currently unoccupied. The bank survived the Great Depression, unlike the bank's President, Autrey Walker who took a .38 caliber revolver to his right temple and pulled the trigger. Since the death of Mr. Walker, it is said that the bank is now haunted. Recently, an out of state crew came into town to make restorations to the building and some of the crew members were spooked by voices asking for 'Mr. Walker'…
The photos taken were mainly taken inside of a vault located in the bank's basement. I am no expert in the realm of the supernatural, but I can personally attest to the very creepy feeling that is experienced once you've gone down the staircase that leads to the basement."
Jessy Menchaca
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