"I challenged myself with this series. As we know - both the lens and film are quite specific. I wanted to let the App do what it does best: make ordinary things beautiful. Some of these photos were taken on our daily dog walk (specifically the nature photos). I'm a huge fan of trying to capture alleys, paths and tunnels - especially with Tinto 1884.
Some of them were taken in an area in Winnipeg, called "The Forks" (essentially where both the Red and Assiniboine Rivers converge). There are some rather unique items around The Forks - especially the Canadian Museum For Human Rights (quickly becoming the city's most photographed building). I would highly encourage any visitor to this city to pay a visit there! There's an incredible life sized statue of Mahatma Gandhi to the south of the museum, which I absolutely love. The rather "yellow" photos are an on-site art exhibit at The Forks, called "Warming Huts". These are used in the winter, and when it freezes: placed on a man-made walking or even skating path on said Red River. I'm looking forward to seeing how this combo works during the cold/snowy months that lie ahead!"
Dale Robertson
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