"Elle sort de son lit, tellement sûre d'elle
La Seine, la Seine, la Seine.
Tellement jolie elle m'ensorcelle
La Seine, la Seine, la Seine."
(She gets out of bed, so self assured
The Seine, the Seine, the Seine.
So beautiful, she bewitches me
The Seine, the Seine, the Seine.)
"This song by Vanessa Paradis and Mathieu Chedid is a perfect illustration of what is going on in the Paris region right now… In Paris, the Seine has reached a height of 6 metres, and despite not quite reaching the record of 8,62 metres (the highest level recorded last century was in January 1910, causing extensive flooding in the city), the quays have become swamps, cars are flooded, the people living on barges don’t know how to reach the riverbank… Nevertheless, she is so beautiful, and she continues to bewitch us, the Seine."
Anita Elle
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