"The world turns softly
Not to spill its lakes and rivers.
The water is held in its arms
And the sky is held in the water.
What is water,
That pours silver,
And can hold the sky?
~ Hilda Conkling, 1920"
"This series was taken in the Yukon, Canada and in Washington State. The Yukon in northern Canada is a place of extremes and contrasts - long days of daylight in the summer, and long and frigid days of darkness in the winter. It is also a place to lose yourself and find your soul. My sister has lived in Whitehorse for the last 3 decades and I was fortunate to be able to visit her for a week in August where I spent time in the pristine landscape filled with lakes and rivers, as well as visiting a small town where the Tlingit First Nations people live.
The other photos in the series are in the Cascade Mountains and in the Columbia River area. Spending time in places such as these feels very sacred to me and helps to nourish my soul. Although I gravitate toward Hipstamatic’s black and white combinations, I adore how this app has incredible lens and filter combinations that help create specific moods."
Lee Atwell
This portfolio is part of the showcase "Sacred Lands" by Lee Atwell.
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