"I'm lucky enough to work on the top floor of a beautiful old building, from which I have this beautiful view. I start working at 7 AM and the sunrise is always stunning. I take a photo from the office window almost every morning. The landscape is constantly changing according to the season and the weather, and one of my favorite combos is this one. Cheshire has been my favorite go-to film ever. I love its vintage feeling and the little bit of pink it adds, as well as Yoona, which increases the contrast and decreases the sunlight by a little. I use the flash Jolly Rainbo 2X, because it's fairly neutral. Together they create a combination that’s perfect for landscapes (especially when the sky is cloudy) and ancient walls, as it adds a touch of what seems like an old painting. Actually, I even tried it for my food shots, when I wanted the effect to be a bit rustic."
Pier Francesca Casadio
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