"Combining film and lens from the BondiPak creates the full 'Ben Watts' look. If you check his portfolio on his site you'll find the signature elements of his imagery to be very similar the Hipsta combo: Bold, colorful frame and a super-saturated look with a slight pinkish vignette. Apart from the frame, which randomly changes its appearance from subtle to in-yer-face yellow/pink, the dominating element is the lens, which works best in sunny settings. As soon as it becomes overcast the images tend to become very toned down, dull and generally too dark. It's as if the lens forces you to shoot exactly where Ben Watts shoots: On the sunny beach or on skiing slopes, well above the cloud zones. So when I tested the combo I didn't even try to shoot any subtle, fine-artsy subjects but went straight for everything that was colorful, brightly illuminated or sunny (no easy task, given that my time was contrained to evening shots and cloudy days). With this combo, forget about taste and look for fun and mayhem. Too bad that carnival is just over!"
Tilman Haerdle
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