Prior to the introduction of the Multiple Exposure Kit in October 2012, several apps used simple double exposure as their principal effect.
The most well known of these is the Salvador 84 lens, introduced in the Dali Museum GoodPak in November 2010. A limited offering, its popularity has allowed it to periodically return in Retro Pak One. The lens's properties include sharp focus and rich amber color cast. The double exposure of this lens falls into four distinct overlay patterns:
1. 180° flip, X-axis - 2. 180° flip, Y-axis - 3. Enlarged 45° rotation to the left - 4. Enlarged off-center overlay
Attempts to determine pattern frequency were inconclusive. Some users report the pattern is fairly random, with a 25% chance of any pattern. Others report a given pattern gets 'stuck', disproportionally reasserting itself.
Example, Salvador 84 (Hipstamatic)
Salvador 84 / GS-O / Off
Photo By Julie Holdsworth Burwood
So popular this lens had become it was copied wholesale into the Incredibooth Haus O'Haunt Pak one year later. Like all Haus O'Haunt lenses, the image is framed in a thick, black smear pattern. In many respects, Salvador and IncrediBooth are a natural pairing; because the random outcome can never be controlled, a common practice of Hipstamatic users is to take several images in succession to maximize a positive outcome. Here, Incredibooth does that work for you. Four images are taken in rapid succession and offered in the form of a photo booth strip. Individual exposures can also be saved and exported.
Example, Salvador 84 (IncrediBooth)
IncrediBooth / Haus O'Haunt / Salvador 84
Photo By Noah Fentz
Also in the Haus O'Haunt Pak was Salvador's less popular sister lens, Zoomba. Its double exposure pattern consists of a slightly larger exposure of the base image. The overlay is centered, giving the illusion the second exposure is radiating outward from a central point. The lens also has an unusual taupe color cast. Depending on the context of the subject, the imagery can convey a sense of high frenetic energy, confusion, or a lack of sobriety.
Example, Zoomba (IncrediBooth)
IncrediBooth / Haus O'Haunt / Zoomba
Photo by Annie Helmsworth
Rodney Zx9 was an expansion pak for Hipstamatic Disposable (D-Series) camera. While the D-Series is no longer available for purchase, users who already own the base app can still acquire the Rodney Zx9 camera. Similar to IncrediBooth's Zoomba lens, a second exposure radiates from a central point; as with all D-Series Cameras, the effect is adjustable.
Example, Rodney Dx9 (Hipstamatic Disposable)
D-Series / Rodney Zx9
Photo by Mia Cro
Example, Salvador 84 Rotational patterns
Salvador 84 / Rock BW-11 / Off / Olloclip
Photo By Christy K Heffernan
Next chapter (tomorrow): The Muliple Exposure Kit
[button color="red" link="https://itunes.apple.com/be/app/id378754705?mt=8&affId=1860684"]IncrediBooth (app store)[/button] [button color="blue" link="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hipstamatic-New-England/215153518534085"]Hipstamatic New England[/button]
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