"Usually I finish work after dark, but on occasion I am lucky enough to finish around that moment just before sunset. At certain times of the year this is more common and at those times the light streams down many of the cross streets through the centre of Sydney. When I do get to walk through these glorious moments, I’d noticed this same woman doing her rounds outside of the building she worked in and for. It’s a super busy intersection, full of people all day and the little nook she is cleaning up in, is often used by people who are wanting to stand outside of the throng for a moment, think about where they’re going or wait for someone to catch up.
I’ve taken a small handful of pictures of her over the last six months or so. On this occasion I was instantly struck by the range of extra meanings that having the cross cast by shadow would create in that moment. There’s the obvious dichotomy suggested by the title, but what you can’t see here is that the building is a long time home to a big city branch of one of Australia’s biggest banks, a bank that was until about 20 years ago publically owned. As we hand over more and more power and influence to large and usually privately owned corporations the world over, they are in many ways taking the place of religion in the social structure. The more things change the more they can stay the same as the saying almost goes."
Albion Harrison-Naish
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