"Even though my daughter dances 16 hours a week, I seldom have the opportunity to photograph her and her dance team mates during performances, since it's never allowed at competitions. This past Sunday was the first day this year that I had the chance to photograph them from a relatively unimpeded view, as they practiced for their end of the year recital. Once again, Hipstamatic came through for me, as the Hornbecker lens and Blanko C16 film combination was perfect for photographing the dancers onstage. Adding the Jolly Rainbo 2X flash, helped me get a darker, more contrasting image, and a fast enough focus to catch the dancers en pointe, with their beautiful floor-up reflection.
Hipstamatic, to put it like Forrest Gump, 'is my little box of chocolates'. I never know what surprise I'm going to get. That fascinates me, and so I remain curious about it. Sometimes it even makes me feel like a magician..."
Lilian Douglass
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