"Each month, I ask Hipstamatic to send me the details for the new paks, a few days before their release, so that I can prepare the articles for Hipstography. I usually get these on the Thursday evening, which leaves me a few hours to write the article. It’s always a hectic affair, because I work (a REAL job! ;-) ) on Friday mornings… Last night, 10 PM… still no news from Hipstamatic. I was frantically sending them email after email but was not getting an answer! I knew nothing about this new pak, not even its name. Nada… Needless to say I was getting a little pissed off; it meant I’d have to get up at 5.30 AM to write the article as well as finding someone to translate it from French into English… (My translator, Tania, refuses to get up at such an “ungodly” hour ;-)
I did get up at that ungodly hour and raced to the computer to check my mail, hoping to find some information about this blasted new pak… And there it was! An email from the Hipstamatic team announcing that there is now a lens called Eric!! I have to admit that it took me a good ten minutes to take it in. I just couldn’t believe it! This has to be the BEST PRESENT EVER. And what can I say about all the reactions when it was announced on Facebook? All your comments touched me deeply and I truly don’t know how to thank you all. Thank you so much, from the very bottom of my heart!
Here’s a picture I’d like to dedicate to the entire community and, of course, the Hipstamatic team, who have brought us so much joy over the years!"
Eric Rozen
PS: I have to confess that I really, really like this pak! It’s fantastic!
This post is also available in: French