The first thing to do is update Hipstamatic on your iPhone, so head on over to the App Store. The newest version 340 offers a number of modifications in Pro Mode with, among other things, a few new interfaces. We’ll be publishing a tutorial within the next few days!
So… there are three new films: Blinken, Cupid and Dancer. You will, however, only receive one of them. To find out which one, you’ll need go into your library and select "Give Free Gifts", in the menu in the top right-hand corner. In order to actually get your present, you will have to send it to a friend first. Enter your friends email address and after that, add your name too. The film will be added to your library, once you have sent it to your friend. Giving before receiving… in true Christmas spirit!
You have a film but you’re missing 2 others… In order to get them, you’ll have to ask your friends, who do have them, to send them to you. You might end up with the ones you don’t have yet. If, however, you are having trouble finding all the films, you can head over to the Hipstography Facebook page, to the article about this Christmas give-away; find a few people who are looking for the film you received and send it to them. And leave a message stating which film(s) you still need, as well as your email address.
So much for the practical info, now let’s open our presents… We’ll start with Blinken, which gives you the postcard effect, with a stamp in the right hand corner, a "Seasonal Greetings" and, at the bottom, the place where you took the picture. The film also has a rather pronounced texture, which you can manipulate in Pro Mode. You can also remove the frame, the stamp and the text by removing the frame.
Another tip for Blinken: in my opinion, you can get better results by applying a format that is closer to that of a real postcard, 3:2 for example. The square frame isn’t as effective, in this case.
The effects of Cupid and Dancer are also quite pronounced and … rather difficult to describe. Play around with it; you will, most likely, have to modify the intensity of the film.
As was the case in 2015 and 2016, rendez-vous on Christmas Day… there is one more surprise in store for those playing along. Thank you Hipsta Claus!! Merry Matic & Hipsta New Year!
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