"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi. This week, we celebrate our beloved four-legged friends in the Hipstamatic Photo Week competition. So, go ahead and follow your dog, cat or guinea pig around and create some amazing shots! Good luck! This week’s hashtag is #hipsta_fourlegs.
The plan of action remains the same: for sharing your interpretations for this week on Facebook, upload your photos to the group page Photo Week from Hipstamatic. On Instagram, Twitter, and Flickr tag your photos with #hipsta_fourlegs and #photoweek for a chance to be featured by Hipstamatic from now through next Thursday.
If you want to submit your pictures for publication on Hipstography, please don’t hesitate to add #hipstography, whether that’s on Instagram, Oggl, Flickr or any other, for that matter.
Photo by Matt Inwood
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