Incredible! A new RetroPak, the third with this name, has just come out and it contains 12 features, including... the 'NSW FreePak'! No one thought it would happen but we have got lucky: the Hornbecker lens and the two AO/BW & AO/DL films are once again available! For those of you who have not followed this saga, the NSW FreePak was initially issued in July 2011 and then re-issued in December of that year. Since then, despite numerous pleas from fans, petitions and even threats, this pak which so many people want so badly has been sorely missing from Hipstamart. Hisptography had in fact already interviewed Chris Hornbecker on this subject, and if you have not yet read the article, you can find it here.
But that is not all: the RetroPak Three also includes the Wonder, Americana and G2 (ex-GSQUAD) lenses and the related films: W40, Blanko Freedom13, US1776 and GS-0, plus the 2 RTV films...
As this RetroPak is only going to be available for a short time, it would be unthinkable to miss this chance to complete your collection... As usual, you can buy this directly via the app by clicking on the little caddy icon. I know some people who are going to be over the moon!!!
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