I have already said it: Hipstamatic was love at first sight for me. From the outset I loved its look, the way it worked, its specificities and of course the final photos. The idea of setting up a site dedicated to this amazing application came to me quite quickly and after months of preparation, I launched Hipstography on 29 December 2012. It was a Saturday, at 19:30, and I will remember for my entire life the precise moment when I clicked on "Publish". It was the start of a great adventure!
This second year has been, in my opinion, even richer than the first. The site has gained in maturity, the series that are show-cased are even more polished and creative and thanks to the 12 paks issued in 2014, we now have even more tools to create fabulous photos. Thanks once again to the Hipstamatic team for their dedication and hard work!
I would also like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those whose photos I have published, as without them, the site would not be what it is today. What beautiful portfolios, combos and photos that never fail to demonstrate ever more creativity. Each day, we celebrate together the strength and extraordinary creativity of a small photo app that has changed the lives of many among us and revolutionised our whole conception of what a photo is
I cannot discuss some of my 2014 favourites in more detail on account of the 2014 Awards which will start in January and in any case, rather than talking about the past, I prefer to speak briefly about the future... which looks bright! It is no longer a secret, a new version of Hipstamatic, the 300 model, is currently being developed and I have been lucky enough to test an initial Beta version. It is a total overhaul of the application which, thanks to its new options, seems to be enjoying a second youth. Horizons are broadening, the range of tools is increasing and the possibilities are infinitely multiplied. Let me reassure you however - the essence of Hipstamatic remains unchanged.
I don't know when the final version will be available but as far as Hipstography is concerned, the site will also evolve to be in synch with the new version of Hipstamatic. I cannot reveal any more but I urge you to check the site again next Wednesday, 31 December, to discover the last Photo of the Day for 2014... It will give you an idea of what awaits us all in 2015. May I already wish you all a... Hipsta New Year!
Eric Rozen
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