The pak consists of a lens, Muir, referring to John Muir (1838-1914), who was one of the first naturalists and an early advocate for the protection of nature. His activism led to the protection of the Yosemite Valley and other natural areas. The Muir lens is slightly offset and adds warmth with a bit of blur.
The Yosemite HipstaPak also contains a film, Sequoia, named after the huge trees that grow in the Yosemite National Park. Its main characteristics are a dominance of bluish, magenta and violet tones. Sequoia also doesn’t have a border.
Overall, the pak seems to produce photos reminiscent of nature books from the 70s and early 80s one might find in his/her local library.
So, let’s take an example from Hipstamatic and go for a walk, whether in nature or in the urban jungle. I’m already eagerly awaiting your pictures! The Hipstography Awards will be held in January, so that leaves you about 3 months to submit your portfolios and combos. Let’s get cracking!
As per usual, the pak is free for Oggl users and available for 0.99$ (0,89 euros) for Hipstamatic Classic users.
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