Lens: Big Bertha Film: Robusta (50%) Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X Clarity: 30 This photo is part of the portfolio 'London Streets Wanderer' by Carlos Da Costa.
Lens: Big Bertha Film: Cheshire Flash: Triple Crown Clarity: 12 • Highlights: -55 • Shadows: +12 "Four months on, no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to come up with somber edits of areas...
Lens: Big Bertha Film: Ringmaster 71 Highlights: -50 • Shadows: 0 "The great Torii of Miyajima" Mayumi Nojiri
Lens: Big Bertha Film: Otto Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X Exposure: +0.3 • Clarity: 37 • Highlights: -18 • Shadows: +56 • Vibrancy: -21 "Paul Smith, Melrose Avenue" Meryl Bonderow
Lens: Big Bertha Film: Otto Flash: Triad Gel "Greta" Joe Mochnick