Lens: Hornbecker Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Using: Oggl "Recipe for powdered conifers: - get 4 conifers; preferably not too green. - sprinkle with corn flour. - serve with a Hornbecker lens and a BlacKeys XF film. -...
Lens: Lucifer VI Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Using: Oggl "My Saturday work day was interrupted by electrical fire but it provided a nice opportunity to make some somewhat unique captures." Kurt Harvey
Lens: Madalena Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Using: Oggl "My daughter loves to climb what she calls "the million steps" at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. She’s referring to the iconic Frank Gehry-designed staircase that winds...
Lens: John S Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: off "I like the John S lens because it has minimal distortion, which is what I wanted with this travel series. While using the BlacKeys Extra Fine with...
Lens: Akira Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: off "Framed Face" "As the bride was getting ready, she looked in the mirror for the last time, before her wedding. I love how the reflection she sees is very...
Lens: Lowy Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Using: Oggl "When I first started studying photography at Bakersfield College under Bertil Brink, I was the only student that had a Rolleiflex, everybody else had 35mm SLR's. The class rule...
Lens: G2 Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: off "A sunny day at Marseilles' Vieux Port. I loved the look of the trumpet player, playing his music in front of the ferris wheel. He started playing his solo...
Lens: Hornbecker Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: off "As the rain began to pour down, our small group sought shelter beneath an overhang in an effort to stay somewhat dry despite the looming weather. Waiting for the...
Lens: Lowy Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Using: Oggl "I shot this photo during the second week of the pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong. I happened to have my phone in my hand so I caught the moment....
Lens: Florence Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: off "Florence is my all time favorite lens. It’s subtle, yet gorgeous, with beautiful tones and hues. Florence, however, works exceptionally well with monochrome films too, especially...