Lens: Florence Film: Cheshire (80%) Flash: Apollo (20%) Clarity: 20 • Highlights: -29 • Tone Curves: modified • Texture: 20 (This combo can be downloaded on this page) This photo is part of the Combo #515 by...
Lens: Florence Film: Cheshire (80%) Flash: Apollo (20%) Clarity: 20 • Highlights: -29 • Tone Curves: modified • Texture: 20 (The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) "Spring makes you think of...
Lens: Florence Film: Ina's 1969 Flash: Standard "I love playing with Hipstamatic's multi-exposure function! That said, it's never easy to obtain the desired result: it is, however, easy to aim a little too much to the right...
Lens: Florence Film: Ina's 1935 This photo is part of the Combo #513 by Carol Ryan.
Lens: Florence Film: Ina's 1935 "A Hipsta rule of thumb, in our house, is to never let a foggy day go to waste. So when we awoke to fog, we geared up and went to one...
Lens: Florence Film: Ina's 1969 "Trees and fog go so well together. I've photographed these trees many times, especially when it's foggy or snowing. A stroke of luck were these two ladies and their dogs who suddenly...
Lens: Florence Film: Ina's 1969 Clarity: 23 • Definition: 19 • RGB: modified • Texture: 32 "The bowl and the pomegranate" Florian Bilges
Lens: Florence (33%) Film: Love 81 (33%) Clarity: 4 • Definition: 3 • Shadows: +16 • Vibrancy: +2 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 6600 "In the wake of a storm, brisk winds greeted us as...
Lens: Florence Film: Blanko Flash: Laser Lemon Gel (0%) Highlights: -21 • Shadows: +41 "Many dreams come true and some have silver linings I live for my dream and a pocketful of gold. Mellow is the man...
Lens: Florence Film: Ina's 1969 Flash: Cadet Blue Gel "Last week, on a very misty morning, I was shooting in Rotterdam with Angelique Leemeijer. This combo was perfect for shooting at the water's edge, in the fog....