Lens: Florence Film: DC Flash: off "I awoke my second morning in Manhattan to the news of a freshly released HipstaPak, and as is my custom, I quickly downloaded the newest Hipstamatic offering to both my Hipstamatic...
Lens: Florence Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: off "Working with dancers is one of my favorite subjects! Using the Hipstamatic app has added a new dimension to their movement. I also love that I can give them...
Since yesterday morning, the Long Island HipstPak is available on Hipstamatic Classic and Oggl. What are the first reactions to Florence? I asked the opinion of some hipstographers... Mike Rosales "I started toying with the new...
Lens: Florence Film: Robusta Flash: off "I was curious to try out Florence but all I had was a rainy, dark forest and a half an hour to walk my dog. I am very happy with Florence,...
After a month in Buenos Aires, back to Long Island!! Remember in August, we had Hipstamatic's Long Island FreePak, which contained a film (BlacKeys Extra Fine) and a case (Old Camera Case Sport). As far as Oggl...