Lens: G2 Film: GS-0 Exposure: -0.1 • Clarity: 7 • Definition: 11 • Highlights: -79 • Shadows: +34 • Vibrancy: +16 "La Paz, Ciudad Del Cielo" Josue Yazzid
Lens: Penny Film: OG Exposure: -0.2 • Clarity: 67 "I'm no leader; I'm a little humble follower" - Muhammad Ali "Excited by the release of the new Pinhole SnapPak yesterday, I wanted to try the Penny lens...
Lens: Salvador 84 (48%) Film: GS-0 (27%) Flash: Berry Pop (71%) Exposure: -2.0 • Clarity: 100 • Definition: 100 • Highlights: -100 • Shadows: +100 • Tones Curves: modified • Temperature: 35000 • Tint: 100 G •...
Lens: Burke Film: GS-0 "Interaction" Mia Midtskogen
Lens: Hornbecker Film: OG Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X Exposure: -0.3 • Clarity: 28 • Definition: 15 • Depth of Field: 4 • Texture: 50 (The combo can be downloaded at the bottom of this page) "I'm often...
Lens: Ray Mark II Film: GS-0 Flash: Juicy Orange Gel "Moscow is spectacular, opulent and iconic, with equal measures of shine and enticement. From the Christian churches of the Early Muscovite period, crowned with golden domes,...
Lens: Salvador 84 Film: GS-0 Using: Oggl "I like the fact that the GS-0 film is very different from all the other Hipstamatic films. Combined with Salvador 84 the result is always surprising and different, and challenges...
Lens: Hornbecker Film: GS-0 Using: Oggl "This is the facade of the Cartoon Museum in Krems, just outside of Vienna." Sabine Gromek
Lens: Yoona Film: GS-0 Flash: off "This photo was taken on the South Bay beach in Scarborough, a seaside resort on the north east coast of England on a January morning. The fog was rolling in from...
Lens: Foxy Film: GS-0 Flash: off Using: Multiple Exposure Kit "Truth and Beauty" "I seek truth and beauty in the transparency of an autumn leaf... in the curve of a woman's back..." (Isabel Allende) Samantha Nason