Lens: Takashi Film: Love 81 Flash: Apollo "La feuille d’Automne" Anita Elle
Lens: Jane Film: Love 81 (27%) Flash: Triple Crown Clarity: 30 • Definition: 25 • Vibrancy: 0 "The Colours That We Miss" Chou DelaPoste
Lens: Yoona Film: Love 81 Flash: Apollo "The Monkey Pod Tree, Big Island, Hawaii" Lydia Cassatt
Lens: Jack London Film: Love 81 Flash: Laser Lemon Gel Exposure: +0.1 • Clarity: 8 • Definition: 5 • Shadows= +35 • Vibrancy: +10 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 8440 "Spot Pond, not far from our home." Mike...
Lens: Bo Kaap (29%) Film: Love 81 (43%) Flash: Apollo "A Morning Walk" Lydia Cassatt This photo is part of the Combo #648 by Lydia Cassatt.
Lens: Bo Kaap (29%) Film: Love 81 (43%) Flash: Apollo "This fall, I have spent as much time outdoors as possible. I live in a small town on the Downeast coast of Maine, close to Acadia...
Lens: Jane (40%) Film: Love 81 (41%) Flash: Apollo Clarity: 20 • Definition: 30 • Highlights: -25 • Shadows: +55 • Vibrancy: +30 • Temperature: 8000 "Mix of Sun and Clouds, slight chance of rain this evening,...
Lens: Yoona Film: Love 81 Clarity: 58 • Definition: 12 • Vibrancy: -6 • Texture: 90 • Grain: 30 "Mountain on the horizon" Barbara Burri
Lens: Vicuña CL Film: Love 81 Flash: Triple Crown This photo is part of the Combo #626 by Anita Elle.
Lens: Vicuña CL Film: Love 81 Flash: Triple Crown "In Paris, if you pay particular attention, you can feel a huge heartbeat underfoot." - Henri Calet Photo by Anita Elle