Lens: Florence Film: Blanko Bl4 Using: Oggl "After quite some time of not shooting I went to Central Park, NYC. After scouting for a good shot, I finally found it. I call this shot 'Stair To The...
Lens: Jane Film: Blanko Freedom13 Using: Oggl "This photo was taken on one of the walks I took in Narlai with Lala. As you walk around the village, you see many women and men sitting by their...
Lens: Wonder Film: Shilshole Using: Oggl This photo is part of the Combo #233 by Patricia Truchsess.
Lens: Salvador 84 Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Using: Oggl "I took this picture a few weeks ago, in Vienna, along the river Danube. I was lucky to catch two seagulls that looked like they were flying 'hand...
Lens: Ray Mark II Film: Blanko Bl4 Using: Oggl "Taken from the Venice Pier after a significant storm. Being above the wave gives a nice perspective." Susan Rennie
Lens: Wonder Film: Shilshole Using: Oggl "During the parade, I was actually terrified when I came across "Pennywise", the clown from Stephen King's "It". That movie has always scared me. The Wonder and Shinhole-combo works really well...
Lens: Jane Film: Irom 2000 Using: Oggl "This photo is symbolic of a climb to heaven as two generations clasp hands. This celestial scenery really makes the onlooker ponder about life, hope, and God." Grace Brignolle
Lens: Hornbecker Film: Robusta Using: Oggl "This picture was taken at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art on March 25th. The painting is by Mark Rothko. I often go to this painting because it can yield...
Lens: Salvador 84 Film: Sugar Using: Oggl "Sunrise after an early morning hunt for Comet ISON. San Jose, California." Kurt Harvey
Lens: Lowy Film: Irom 2000 Using: Oggl "I'm in South Africa for two and a half weeks. Yesterday I spent some time in Bo-Kaap, an area of Cape Town, formerly known as the Malay Quarter. Located on...