Lens: John S Film: Claunch 72 Monochrome Flash: off "I shot this while exiting DC's metro at Foggy Bottom. I often shoot in subways because of the lighting and the people. I noticed the people ascending into...
Lens: Lucifer VI Film: Alfred Infrared Flash: off "I am often the last person to leave this car park and it always seems to take on a more sinister air when empty. For me the infra-red film...
Lens: Jane Film: Blanko Freedom13 Flash: off "The place is called "Monumento a la Revolución", it's in México City. The young ones and the children like to play in the fountain on sunny days." Carlos Wilfredo Trejo...
Lens: Hornbecker Film: AO BW Flash: off "This photo was taken on the famous 'Canebière' street in Marseille during the winter sales and specifically on the weekend of the launch of 'Marseille 2013 - European Capital of...
Lens: Hornbecker Film: AO DLX Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X "Gabo is a special keychain: a funny skeleton! Its name is lovely because it remembers me a great writer, a wonderful journey and a sublime lunch!!" Monica Porcu...
Lens: Hornbecker Film: D-Type Plate Flash: off "Looking west on a Sunday morning, the pier seemed to reach to the Pacific." Sylvia Kimura facebook
Lens: John S Film: AO DLX Flash: off Using: Multiple Exposure Kit "This shot is a result from experimenting with the Multiple Exposure Kit. It was inspired by anatomical diagrams from old textbooks." Alex F. [button color="orange"...
Lens: Tinto 1884 Film: C-Type Plate Flash: off "Orchids are the sexiest flower around. Let it inspire everyone on cold winter nights." Jennifer Schlesinger facebook
Lens: John S Film: Alfred Infrared Flash: off "I wish I could credit the artist, but I don't know who it is. Philadelphia is home to so many creative street artists, and one area in particular has...
Lens: Tinto 1884 Film: D-Type Plate Flash: off "I always experience a moment of dread when invited to take part in a self portrait challenge, but I don't want to be a Dead End so I usually...