Lens: Beard Film: Bream "I try to walk on the beach as much as I can when I’m in Sarasota, and I absolutely love all the colors— Bream makes them pop." Kathy Carey
Lens: Bettie XL Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Shadows: +25 • Vibrancy: +14 • Texture: 31 "Caelum est terminus" Stavros Dimakopoulos
Lens: Jimmy Film: Ina's 1982 Flash: Standard "Sci-fi Trees" Kate Zari Roberts
Lens: Florence Film: Love 81 "Palms in Fog" Karen Axelrad
Photos of the month: combos used are shown below each photo. More details on: and
Lens: Ruddy Film: Sequoia "Little Chickadee" Carol Ryan
Lens: Scott S Film: Blackeys IR "Baseball is Back" Scott Strazzante
Lens: Stavros (50%) Film: BlacKeys B+W (72%) Flash: Yuletide (10%) Highlights: -34 • Shadows: 0 • Vibrancy: +100 • Vignette: 27 (This combo can be downloaded on this page) "Reflecting a still moment" Christine Mignon
Lens: John S Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain Flash: Triple Crown Exposure: -0.0 • Clarity: 11 • RGB: modified • Temperature: 6650 • Tint: 36 G • Vignette: 39 "Springtime" Niels Brunelli
Lens: Hamilton Film: Rasputin Flash: RedEye Gel (65%) Highlights: -35 • Shadows: +20 • Tones Curves: modified "My kid loving the view." Sharon Flores Tan