Lens: Stavros Film: Rock WJW-51 Flash: Yuletide Exposure: +0.0 • Highlights: -10 • Shadows: +80 • Temperature: 7270 • Texture: 48 "The day the Cleveland HipstaPak came out, I went with some friends to Dora Park in Turin...
Lens: Akira Film: AO BW Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X (75%) Clarity: 100 • Vignette: 0 Using: Multiple Exposure Kit Film: Rock WJW-51 "Untitled. Multi-exposure Kit. Twice Baked (Akira/AO BW/JOlly Rainbo 2X + the Rock WJW-51 overlay)." Stephen...
Lens: Dee Film: Rock WJW-51 Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X (30%) "Looking Up, NYC" Lydia Cassatt
Lens: Eric Film: Bream Flash: Tasty Pop This photo is part of the Combo #586 by Ger van den Elzen.
Lens: Salvador 84 Film: A-Type Plate "On the ice" Michel de Veld
Lens: Tinto 1884 Film: Blackeys Extra Fine Flash: Triple Crown (50%) Clarity: 31 • Shadows: +44 • Vignette: 90 "In the last two years, I’ve lost both of my parents. In this series of images I’m exploring...
Lens: Loftus Film: Abbot K20 Flash: Juicy Orange Gel Clarity: 43 • Depth of Field: 56 This photo is part of the tutorial "Focusing on Depth of Field".
Lens: John S Film: BlacKeys SuperGrain Exposure: -0.2 • Clarity: 23 • Definition: 22 • Vignette: 87 "Bain de foule, Ajaccio" Niels Brunelli
Lens: Eric (35%) Film: Cheshire (36%) Flash: Standard Clarity: 16 • Highlights: -20 • Shadows: +50 • Texture: 55 "Who will be waiting for you in heaven?" Sabine Gromek
Lens: Erie Gl (83%) Film: Bream Flash: Cadet Blue Gel (100%) Exposure: +0.2 • Shadows: +12 • Vibrancy: +1 This photo is part of the portfolio "Cycladic Squares" by Stavros Dimakopoulos.