Lens: Leonard Film: SPRKT-BW Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X Clarity: 100 • Highlights: -44 • Shadows: +31 "Steam on 17th Street NW" Rhonda Rogers Baumgartner
Lens: Lumière Film: SPRKT-BW Flash: Triad Gel (62%) Clarity: 65 • Definition: 28 • RGB: modified • Film Grain: 0 "Logan" Alastair Hooley
Lens: Markus NSW Film: SPRKT-BW "Street art hunting with my wingman, grandson Caleb, in Sydney’s CBD." Kevin Casey
The last pak of this year is here and it’s in honor of the Australian photographer, who has been using Hipstamatic since the very beginning: Markus Andersen. Hipstography has been publishing photos by Markus since 2013, so...