Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Flash: Apollo This photo is part of the portfolio "My Hipstamatic Year" by Lee Atwell.
Lens: Libatique 73 Film: Sussex Flash: Jolly Rainbo 2X Clarity: 14 • Definition: 14 • Shadows: +63 • Vibrancy: +4 • Vignette: 15 This photo is part of the portfolio "Caribbean Carnival" by Christine Mignon.
Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Clarity: 32 • Definition: 30 • Shadows: +35 This photo is part of the Combo #630 by Manuela Matos Monteiro.
Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Clarity: 32 • Definition: 30 • Shadows: +35 "The first time I went to Cuba was in the 90's, when the country was experiencing a serious economic and social crisis. Returning there...
Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Photo by Manuela Matos Monteiro
Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Flash: Triple Crown This photo is part of the portfolio 'My 2019 Hipstamatic Year' by Lee Atwell.
Lens: Florence Film: Sussex Flash: Apollo "Plum Island — December 2016" Mike Ryan
Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex Exposure: +0.1 • Clarity: 31 • Definition: 34 • Highlights: -21 "Alcatraz is an experience like no other; nothing was made to appear real. It just is. The experience is utterly shocking,...
Lens: Madalena Film: Sussex "I love shooting with Hipstamatic when I work with models. It's really nice to have something that they can take away instantly and post or share." Tim Engle
Lens: Diego Film: Sussex This photo is part of the Combo #495 by Anita Elle.