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"January 21st saw forty thousand people in Austin, Texas exercise their constitutional right to peacefully assemble. The November election shell-shocked millions who found the results incomprehensible and devastating. People know there are dark times ahead and this protest, while important, is only the beginning of a very long struggle."
Stephen Littrell
"On January 21, 2017, I took to the streets with my fellow Americans to voice my opinion about the policies and positions of our new president. I was shocked and disappointed that so many people had blindly overlooked his sexism, racism, xenophobia, and his pathological lying. The spirit in the streets was palpable and intoxicating. It is encouraging to know that people are still willing to rise up in the face of tyranny."
Erik Lieber
"On Saturday, 21 January 2017 the Women's March on Paris was held. It one of hundreds of sister marches held worldwide to coincide with the Women's March on Washington. A diverse group of women, men and children marched to express solidarity with the The Women's March on Washington and to protest the man inaugurated the day before as the 45th President of the United States.
I chose this combo because it reminds me of photographs from the 70s' and also gives a slightly surreal quality to the image. It seemed appropriate for the surreal moment the global community had entered."
Donna Donato
"Over 80,000 people marched in Oakland. It was a peaceful but boisterous and colorful march."
David Brown
"Political activism is hardwired into my DNA, so of course I participated in this historic march on January 21.
My Twitter handle @mophotoartist reads: "Photographer, naturalist, humanist. World traveller. Changing the world one image at a time." And that's what I strive to do."
Maureen Ruddy Burkhart
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